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sharing learning at Sensation

Some photos of us sharing all of our learning about the wonder of the sky at Dundee Science Centre.


We know how the earth moves around the sun in two different ways.


We can explain and show our thinking. we can work together. 😀


Sharing stories of the constellations.


Trying to stay still together and ‘disappear’!


Learning about the effects of space travel on an astronauts body.

Learning About Our Sun

We have been learning about our sky and today we were focussing on the Sun.  We know that the sun is our closest star, that is why it looks much bigger than other stars!  We know the sun gives us light and heat and we need this to live!  Look at our sun paintings….we are going to put all of these together to create a beautiful giant sun for our learning wall. image image

Bookbug Picture Book Prize Ceremony

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We rounded off our Bookbug work with a great celebration! Our parents and our buddies read with us and chatted about our Bookbug books.  We all then voted for our favourite.  Our winner of the Bookbug Picture Book Prize was The Shark in the Park on a Windy Day by Nick Sharratt!!!! It had more than double the votes of the other stories…..a clear winner!!! A huge thank you to P7 and to all of the parents and family members who took the time to come along.