All posts by Mrs McCabe

Fun on our new track!

Follow the leader!
Overtaking ontheinside?! Not sure that’s allowed! Ha!
Maci insisted on going round the track the wrong way! But she was happy!😀
Daniel parked his quad bike in the parking bay. 👍

We were the first ones to use our new track. We were learning the signs on the road, followed each other and tried to stay within the lines. There was even a bit of inside overtaking going on!!!!! 

Shape Detectives

This week we have been looking at shapes. We have participated in lots of activities relating to shapes. We can identify and match simple shapes. Our shape of the week was a rectangle and we were all being detectives looking for objects that are rectangle in our nursery.

Detective Leon has found a rectangle!

How good do we look with our magnifying glasses searching for rectangles?!