All posts by Mrs Hutcheson

Lets go fly a kite!!

It was a very windy start to the week and through discussions with the children we decided to try and build a kite. We began by sourcing materials. We chose to use material and some bamboo canes which we had spare in the garden. The morning children wanted to create a giant kite and chose a triangle design. The afternoon children went for the diamond shape and a much smaller design. The next step of creative was to give our white piece of material some colour. Lots of fun was had using brushes and pipettes to create splashes and blobs of colour. Our last step was to try and put it together and hopefully (fingers crossed) it would fly. We took our creations out into the school playing fields to allow us to be able to catch a good gust of wind. Our kites did fly, albeit a few inches off the ground, but the children had lots of fun trying to make the kites fly. We have attached the kites to the nursery fence just incase we have another blustery day.

We love muddy puddles!!!

As the seasons change so does the weather. We have had a lot of rain recently which in turn means a muddy nursery garden!!! To help keep the children dry (and a bit cleaner) the nursery have purchased a number of waterproof trousers, perfect for those rainy days. On Monday we had the perfect weather to put them to the test. The children where in there element at being able to jump in a very muddy puddle and all had clean and trousers when they came back into nursery. The children are being encouraged to try and put on their waterproofs and wellies by themselves and we are pleased to say we are mastering a good routine. Children are aware of where their wellies are and where to put there shoes when they take them off, next on the list will now be putting on the trousers. Can we again remind you that it is part of the children’s learning and development to be out in all types of weather which can sometimes mean muddy coats or clothes. We do also have activities indoors which are messy. Could parents/careers ensure that children have some spare clothing in nursery should such a mucky occasion occur. Thank you.

Morning muddy madness


Afternoon muddy mahem
Directing traffic through the puddles


Making Our Own Choices

Within nursery the children are always given the right to decided what they want to learn. Over the last few weeks we have been talking about making our own choices and asking the children what there interests are. Recently we have had opportunities were the children have been given the option to take part in a vote. One of our votes regarded an activity outdoors. The children voted on whether they would like to play ring games or build a den out of the branches cut from our trees. As you can see from the pictures it was a large majority vote for a den (or at least an attempt at one).


We are transforming the nursery garden. Our plans include a large vegetable patch and digging area. The digging area will be perfect for finding slugs and worms. It will also mean that the children may get quite muddy. The vegetable area will hopefully be in working order in time for early next year when we will be planting our fruit and veg. The nursery staff would like to say a massive thank you to all the nursery parents and grandparents who assisted with the task of digging, your help was much appreciated. Can we just remind you that the children do go out in all weathers and the will get wet and muddy. Could you ensure appropriate clothing and footwear and a change of clothing in case your child gets wet. Thank you once again.

Mud pit before digging
Veggie patch before digging
Hard at work

Learning Makaton

We have been learning all about how actions are used to communicate with people who are hearing impaired. We have learnt that these actions are called Makaton. During group time we have been learning how to sign the song “Three little Monkeys”. The following pictures are the signs used in the song. It would be great if you could ask your child about signing (actions) and encourage them to practise with you at home.

sign for “more”
sign for “three”
sign for “said”
sign for “bumped head”
sign for “doctor”
sign for “phoned”
sign for “No”
sign for “fell off”
Sign for “mummy”
Sign for “jumping”
Sign for “Monkey!
Sign for “Bed”
sign for “more”
sign for “three”
sign for “said”
sign for “bumped head”
sign for “doctor”
sign for “phoned”
sign for “No”
sign for “fell off”
Sign for “mummy”
Sign for “jumping”
Sign for “Monkey!
Sign for “Bed”

We are scientists!!

Over the past two weeks the children in nursery have been learning all about experimenting. Our first experiment saw the children learn all about mixing colours using coloured water and pipets. The children created purple, orange and brown!!! Some even used the colours on paper to create beautiful water colour prints. Our second experiment saw us creating exploding volcanoes of colour using bicarbonate soda, vinegar and colouring. The children loved watch the colour explode on the tray as it hit the bicarbonate but they weren’t to keen on the smell of vinegar!!

Our daily mile walk

The afternoon session was quite today as all our preschool friends were visiting there new primary one class. As something different we decided to try out the daily mile walk that the big boys and girls in school do. We started off at the front of the school and then walked all the way around. We enjoyed seeing different parts of school, listening to the birds singing and seeing our little nursery friends in the nursery garden. We were all very tired by the end of the walk but really enjoyed it.


Fun in the sun

We had lots of fun in the sun yesterday. After a lovely day playing with our friends we all sat down in a circle and played some ring games. Our favourite game is 5 elephants. We also enjoying singing head,shoulders, knees and toes. We sing it slow, fast and with no words!!! We are getting very good with our movement and singing.

Bumblebee hospital

The nursery had a special visitor this week, a poorly bumblebee. The nursery children enjoyed being able to get a close look at the bumblebee by using a magnifying glass. Everyone was very brave, even the nursery ladies!!! We have now set the bumblebee free after it had a little rest and felt much better.

Watch them grow!!

The boys and girls in the nursery are so excited to see that there ” magic beans” are growing!!! All plants will be sent home today for the children to take care of there plant and watch it grow. We would love to see the progress of the plants so please feel free to post pictures on Twitter or use the observation email. Thank you and we look forward to seeing how the plants grow.