All posts by Mrs Hutcheson

Burns Day

Friday 25th January was Robert Burn’s birthday and to celebrate in the 2’s we baked him a cake, well a clootie dumpling to be precise. The children had lots of fun weighing out ingredients, cracking eggs, mixing the mixture and smelling the different spices that go into the dumpling. Whilst our dumpling was cooking we had a traditional Burns super of vegetarian haggis, neeps and tatties. It was delicious. We ending our busy session by listening to poems by Burns and singing some Scottish favourites, like “You canna shove your grannie off the bus!!”.

Measuring out the sultanas
Carefully adding the bicarbonate of soda
Eating our Burns super.
Eating our Clootie Dumpling
Weighing out the flour
Weigh out some more flour
Mixing really hard


Every day we count how many friends we have in nursery. Working together we have to try and find the correct number to put on the board. The children in the 2’s are developing their numeracy skills through this activity and are demonstrating could number recognition and counting skills. Counting and pointing out numbers is a good way of developing early numeracy skills. Examples of activities in daily life are counting the number of stairs, pointing out the numbers on the bus, using your fingers to touch count. Numbers are all around us.


We put on a fabulous nativity show for our family and friends. The children had so much fun singing and getting dressed up. Thank you so much for all your help and support over this year. We wish you all a magical festive season and look forward to seeing you all in the new year. Merry Christmas.


Stick Man Hunt

In the 2 year old room we have been reading the book Stick Man by Julia Donaldson. We wanted to see if we could find our own “Stick Man” and so donned our all in one weather proof suits, and explored the grounds of the school. We were astounded by how many sticks we found that looked like Stick Man, his lady love and his three stick children. Lots of fun was also had when we discovered some nice muddy puddles. It was magic how our wellies could disappear in the puddle and how our newly found sticks could be used to mix the mud in the puddle. Below are some videos from  our Stick Man hunt. Enjoy.



We love to sing!!!

Singing is a good way of developing a child’s speech and language skills. In the nursery we do a lot of singing!!!! We have a hello song ,which we sing at the beginning of our session. The song allows  the children to learn each others names, and there own. We also have a goodbye song for the end of the day which helps the children to understand that the session is over and it is now time to go home. We love singing lots and lots of songs, especially baby shark. Attached are two videos, one of our hello song and the other a great rendition of baby shark. Enjoy 🙂