All posts by Miss Field

Team work in the 2’s

We are all learning to develop our working together skills to help us build strong positive relationships with our peers. We have worked through lots of daily experiences and been asked to help each other and work together to complete tasks given. We love working as a team!!


Play on Pedals

As you may already know, we have been carrying out sessions and following a programme called “Play on Pedals”,  which is using balance bikes with children and going through a programme step by step in order for them to gain the confidence and ability to be able to use a bike without stabilisers. Throughout this programme they also learn about different part of bikes and about safety when using bikes.

Here are some pictures of our Play on Pedals programme so far.



Sponsor Day

Today we had a lady called “Louise Renicks” who is a Commonwealth Gold Medalist, she represents Scotland and Great Britain in the sport of Judo. She showed us some Judo moves and we got to try some out as well as lots of exercises. It was great fun! We would like to thank everyone who helped us sponsor their child for this event.


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