All posts by Miss Field

New friends

We have been meeting our new friends and helping them settle into nursery the last week. We are concentrating on building positive relationships with them and showing them the daily routine. They have loved their first week.




Play on Pedals

Today we started a new session of Play on Pedals. Ruby, Lui and Wyatt started the programme and we’re learning about the different parts of the bike and safety rules. They also began to learn how to ride the balance bike using “frog feet”. They were excellent at using their brakes to stop the bike.

Here is a link to a video below of us using our frog feet & brakes.




Here is Grace still getting better every day on her pedal bike without stabelisers!


Last day of term

This morning we have had a super busy day in nursery, we had show & tell and all enjoyed seeing our friends favourite toys and listening to them telling us about them. We also had Sophia & Jayden’s birthdays. We got a little end of term treat which was to watch a little bit of Beauty and the Beast! Happy holidays everyone.



Spring baby animals

We have been learning about the different animals you see in Spring time. We also have been learning about baby animals that are born in Spring. Today in the 3-5 room we painted some chicks, piglets and some lambs.

