All posts by Miss Field

Happy pancake day!

We loved helping to organise and mix all the ingredients to make our Scotch pancakes today. We used flour, eggs, milk, sugar & butter. We then watched them cooking in the pan and spread our own pancakes with the choice of syrup, butter or jam. They were delicious! We then had a story about ” Mr Wolf’s pancakes”


This term at nursery we are going to be introducing new technology devices. Today we looked at the “Code-a-pillar”. this is a device that looks like a caterpillar which has separate “add-ons” to connect. Each add on has it own instruction for the code-a-pillar to follow usually a direction, “forward” “right” “left” and “stop”. Using this will hopefully extend children’s awareness of direction and their problem solving skills.

ICT in 2’s

This morning in the 2’s we were learning all about Autumn animals using our new laptop. We played some Autumn animal matching games and listened to some Autumn songs. We love using ICT to enhance our learning!

Gingerbread man art in 2’s

We have been learning the story The Gingerbread Man and becoming familiar with all the characters. Most of us now know and can join in the repetitive song “run run as fast as you can you cant catch me I’m the gingerbread man” here we are carrying out some art related work on our story of the term.


Play on Pedals

Today we had our 8 pre schoolers and their parents out on the bikes showing them what they have learned. It was lovely to see such proud mummies!

A special well done to Piotr who only started riding his bike today by himself with no stabelisers just in time for Mum coming to see him!!!

Chatter Tots

Next Tuesday we would like to invite the parents in the 2 year old room to come along and join in with Chatter Tots with your children. Chatter tots is aimed to support your child to develop their speech and language, play and communication skills. This will start at 8:45 for the AM session and 12:30 for the PM session. Hope to see you then!