All posts by Miss Field

Hide and seek!

We had great fun today playing hide and seek in the garden. Robyn thought of a great hiding place and stacked up tyres and climbed inside!! Of course everyone wanted a turn at hiding in here, Miss Field had very sore arms after this game!




Our own campsite

Tom made a “toasted marshmallow” with the clay, Harry then asked if we could build a campsite to have our toasted marshmallows on. We all worked as a team to build the campsite and had great fun using our imagination and role play skills.


Clay fun!

Today Miss Field took the clay outside and had a messy area outside! We hadn’t great fun exploring the different texture of clay and all used our fine motor skills to mould the clay into different shapes and sizes! Some of the pre-schoolers had great fun using lollipop sticks to carve their names into the clay!

Outdoor construction

Today we took out our biggest construction blocks to the garden to get more space to see what we could create. We worked as a team to help move the blocks around and built a huge rocket ship to fly up to space! It was great fun and we loved using our imagination skills with the construction outside!!


Super Slime

We’ve been having lots of different messy activities in our messy area today we had some slime. It was very stretchy and sticky. We made lots of different shapes in all different sizes with our slime and had great fun exploring different textures.


Loose parts play

We love having a variety of loose parts outside in our garden to explore with. Today we made a castle with a ramp leading to the door of the castle and a gate at the front of the castle to stop anyone accessing it without permission.  Great effort and imagination skills boys!


Glupe Fun

This week instead of play dough we have had some messy glupe play. We helped fill and pour and mix the water into the cornflour to make the glupe and all chose what colours we wanted to add. It was great messy fun!!