Mini builders

One of our funky fingers activities has been creating pin pictures. This involves cork boards, wooden shapes, pins and hammers. From this activity led onto discussions about real tools and creating bigger models using various materials. As this was an interest it was decided by the children that they would like somewhere to further develop this interest. The area where the coats are hung was seen as being the best area. Mrs Ross’s husband kindly created a workbench for us and real tools have been added. Screwdrivers, nails and measuring tools at the moment with hammers and nails to follow. We have discussed how to be safe in the area and all children are aware that when in this area they must wear Hi Vis jackets and safety goggles. Already it has been a very busy area with lots of ideas on what the children want to try and create with the tools and materials provided. Looking forward to many amazing constructions over the next few weeks.

Creating pin art
Busy at work

Developing our fine motor skills

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