Buying a fish

The children in the 2’s room are fascinated by ‘Shoe’ the fish in the 3-5 room. We discussed with the children if they would like a pet in the 2’s room and with an overall majority it was voted we would ask if we could get a fish. Mrs Ross agreed and on Monday we took a trip on the bus to visit the fish shop and purchase a fish. Whilst taking our bus trip we had a sheet with lots of different landmarks and vehicles to find. It was lots of fun and we nearly spotted everything. When we arrived at the fish shop we were warmly welcomed by the owner who kindly directed us and allowed us time to look around before making the big decision on which fish to buy. The children in the morning decided that they would like the black and orange fish with the children in the afternoon choosing a white and orange fish. Ms Connor safely carried our fish on the bus and they have now settled into their new home and seem to have become good friends with each fish following the other around the tank. We have yet to think of a name. If you would like to discuss this with your child at home we will gather all suggested names and put them to a vote.


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