Investigation in the 2’s

We currently have 5 hungry caterpillars in the 2’s room. We can see through the jar and watch them eating but the children wanted to know -” how they eat?” How move?” “Colour?”- with so many questions the ladies had a think and decided to use the microscope to see if looking closer at the caterpillars would answer all our questions. On plugging the microscope into the computer, the children were fascinated by what they could see close up. Soon we had all the children eager to see their hair, eyes, teeth all close up on the screen, but looking closely at the caterpillars was amazing!!!! Close up they look like “monsters” and have “ittle egs” , which we counted six of. We could have looked at them all day!!! We plan to look at the caterpillars again when they are in their cocoon, which we don’t think will be very long.

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