November Learning

It has been a busy week in the 2’s room. We have been learning all about fireworks and poppies. On Monday we created our fantastic firework wall. We watched a video about fireworks and pointed out all the colours we could see. We discussed how the fireworks could be very loud and that we had to be safe when we go to watch them. For the rest of this week we have been talking about the colour red. On Thursday we watched a short video which introduced the children to remembrance day and the significance 0f the poppy. The children were able to identify that the poppy was red. On Friday we created a fantastic field of poppies and again watched the short video. This time the children were able to recognise the poppies and the colour red. Well done everyone.

Aimee making a start to the fireworks.

Our fantastic, colourful firework wall.
Ava creating her poppies.
Aimee creating a sun catcher poppy.

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