Life cycles

This term we will be looking at life cycles. After much discussion with the children prior to the Easter holidays it was decided that we would all like to look at the life cycle of a frog. During the holidays Mrs Ross went exploring and managed to collect some frog spawn. The children were very interested and intrigued by the strange looking “jelly” and “eyeballs” that were in the fish tank. We discussed that it was frog spawn and the various stages that would follow before the nursery has its own frogs, fingers crossed. We watched a very useful video which explained to us how long the process would take and what the various stages are. We are now on day 3 and are very excited to say that we have lots of nearly formed tadpoles!!! We will keep you all posted with updates on the process or feel free to have a nosy in the tank when dropping off the children.

Day one
Day 2
Learning facts about a frogs life cycle
Day 3

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