Remembrance Day

In Nursery the children have been learning about Remembrance Day and the significance of the poppy. The children created their own interpretation of the poppy when exploring the art/craft materials, they watched a short film about the poppy and they participated in a 2 minute silence. The children were very respectful and we were so proud of them. 😊

Splashing in the puddles.

  • Today we spent time in the nursery garden. The rain was pouring down and it was really windy, but that did not stop our learning and fun! In fact it was fabulous. We scooped up mud to place in different tubs and pots, we made patterns in the mud with our wellies and we splashed in the huge puddles. As adults we often complain about the rain, but to a child, rain and mud means learning opportunities, mess, and best of all fun with our friends💦💦🌧🌧 (photo’s to follow).

Autumn Party Fun! 😀

On Thursday 31st November the whole Nursery participated in a whole day of fun.😈

There was a range of messy play opportunities such as carving pumpkins and squishing the insides, and pumpkin slime to investigate. It was described as “squishy, yukky and it feels like cotton wool” by the children. 😱

We listened to spooky stories, sang ghost songs, and watched Room on the Broom on the whiteboard. We enjoyed a spooky snack and danced the monster mash in the gym hall. What a fabulous day🤗