Our little visitors🐓
















This term in the nursery we are learning all about new life and growth. We have been learning the names of and learning facts about baby farm animals.

Today was a exciting day in the nursery. Farmer Amy took time out of her busy day to bring some very lovely visitors to meet us. Amy brought a very special hen. Henny is a surrogate mother. She is a special hen who looks after, and sits on other birds eggs. The mothers are unable to care for their eggs for a range of reasons. This is when Henny takes over. For the last few weeks she has been sitting on 10 duck eggs. They have since hatched into 10 gorgeous ducks, and now Henny cares for them like they were her own. She is a very special hen. Amy told us that the ducks were either Shetland ducks or Indian Runner ducks. We really loved meeting our little visitors and hope they have a happy life with Henny, on Amy’s farm. Thank you Amy.

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