Relaxation and Yoga in the 2’s

In the 2’s room we have been discovering relaxation and yoga. We carry out relaxation at the end of session at least twice a week. During our relaxation sessions the children lie on their chosen cushion and listen to relaxing music while the ladies talk them through some breathing techniques and stretches. After many attempts we have found that the children respond to relaxing songs rather than a piece of music, e.g. sounds of the ocean, a favourite seems to be Purple Rain by Prince!!!! We have mastered breathing through our noses and out through our mouth and enjoying stretching our arms out and wiggling our fingers. Relaxation is good for the mind, body and soul.

This week we have carried out our first yoga session. Yoga has many benefits for children. Physically it develops flexibility, strength and coordination. It also improves concentration and a sense of calmness. Cosmic Kids provides yoga sessions linked to popular story books. We have been reading “Going on a bear hunt” and decided to use this as our first session. The children enjoyed carrying out all the different poses and lasted the full 15 minute session. Personally the ladies enjoyed the last part of lying down on the floor and not moving!!!! We will continue to carry out yoga sessions once a week with the possibility of increasing the number of sessions.

“we can’t go under it” pose

Lying under our covers pose
Splashing in the deep cold river

“We can’t go through it” pose


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