Trip into town.

We have been reading the story “The Fourth Bonniest Baby in Dundee”. The story contains illustrations of landmarks in Dundee which prompted questions of who has seen these landmarks and also who can tell us any other landmarks in Dundee? We discussed and looked at pictures of Dundee and the children showed a great interest in the McMannus museum and the Slessor gardens. As it is our first trip out of nursery we have selected the pre-school children to participate in the trips to town. Our first trip was a great success. The children loved going on the bus and were able to point out all the landmarks from the book. When we arrived in town we visited the museum and the children were amazed and showed interest in all the displays. Highlghts were : Tay whale, the model of Dundee, old fashioned toys and shoes, the animals and the long wooden boat. After the museum we explored the gardens and found a perfect shaded area to have our snack. After snack we played music in the sensory garden then ventured back to the bus stop to catch our bus. The children really enjoyed their trip and are looking forward to many more.

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