Christmas around the world.

In nursery we have been learning about Christmas traditions and celebrations from around the world. Joree’s dad told us all about their life back in Oman. They live in a village where they have camels for pets as well as dogs. Sofija’s mum showed us how to make beautiful Christmas decorations. She makes her own decorations when back home in Latvia. Natan’s mum made us a lovely Polish cake made from poppy and sesame seeds. It was delicious. Thank you to everyone. The children (and staff) have discovered lots of new information about different traditions. 🌲

Fun in the winter weather

We have been enjoying the winter weather. The children were excited to see the nursery garden covered in frost and sparkling in the winter sunshine. We have struggled to move the tyres and crates as they have been frozen solid to the ground. In the sinks and the water tray we have discovered large blocks of ice which we have had great fun trying to make smaller. We have used our magnifying glass to look closely at the frost on the grass and leaves. We have used sticks to write our names in the frost.Our obstacle course has been more of a challenge as it has been very slippy!!! We are loving the cold, frosty outdoors but we secretly would all love some snow so we could build a snowman.



The mile walk.

Yesterday afternoon we decided to follow our older peers in the school by participating in the daily mile. It was freezing but we wrapped up cosy and off we went. We are learning about the importance of exercise and being healthy, and this was a great way of keeping fit and having fun with our friends.⛄️