Learning Makaton

We have been learning all about how actions are used to communicate with people who are hearing impaired. We have learnt that these actions are called Makaton. During group time we have been learning how to sign the song “Three little Monkeys”. The following pictures are the signs used in the song. It would be great if you could ask your child about signing (actions) and encourage them to practise with you at home.

sign for “more”
sign for “three”
sign for “said”
sign for “bumped head”
sign for “doctor”
sign for “phoned”
sign for “No”
sign for “fell off”
Sign for “mummy”
Sign for “jumping”
Sign for “Monkey!
Sign for “Bed”
sign for “more”
sign for “three”
sign for “said”
sign for “bumped head”
sign for “doctor”
sign for “phoned”
sign for “No”
sign for “fell off”
Sign for “mummy”
Sign for “jumping”
Sign for “Monkey!
Sign for “Bed”

We are scientists!!

Over the past two weeks the children in nursery have been learning all about experimenting. Our first experiment saw the children learn all about mixing colours using coloured water and pipets. The children created purple, orange and brown!!! Some even used the colours on paper to create beautiful water colour prints. Our second experiment saw us creating exploding volcanoes of colour using bicarbonate soda, vinegar and colouring. The children loved watch the colour explode on the tray as it hit the bicarbonate but they weren’t to keen on the smell of vinegar!!

Creating our new golden rules.



We are creating golden rules to keep ourselves and each other safe and happy in the nursery environment. We firstly had to learn about the word rule and what it meant. “We have to be nice” and “We can’t run in nursery” were some of the children’s suggestions. We will keep you posted with our completed rules.