Planting Magic Beans

Spring is officially here and now is the time to get out in the garden and start planting. We have been learning all about how a plant starts from a seed and then grows into a flower or sometimes something yummy that we can eat. We have also been reading Jack and the Beanstalk and were amazed at the enormous beanstalk which grew from Jack’s magic beans. We have planted our own magic beans which will hopefully grow into something amazing. The children will get to take there magic bean home next week and hopefully after the holidays the children will be able to share stories about how there bean is growing. We have also made a start to planting in the nursery garden and were very excited to see that our strawberry plants have survived the stormy weather and already have flowers. Looking forward to some juicy strawberries.


Team work in the 2’s

We are all learning to develop our working together skills to help us build strong positive relationships with our peers. We have worked through lots of daily experiences and been asked to help each other and work together to complete tasks given. We love working as a team!!


Obstacle course-learning activity.

The nursery children have been developing some excellent obstacle courses in the nursery garden this week. They have taken complete ownership of their outdoor space. Houses, rocket ships and boats have also been constructed using the crates and tyres. Fantastic cooperative learning and teamwork😀.

Try setting up a mini obstacle course indoors using cushions, boxes and other household items or one outdoors in the garden. Some obstacle course ideas can be to jump over, zig zag around, crawl through, step over and walk along.

Your child is developing balance, coordination, flexibility and movement skills.
