Watch them grow!!

The boys and girls in the nursery are so excited to see that there ” magic beans” are growing!!! All plants will be sent home today for the children to take care of there plant and watch it grow. We would love to see the progress of the plants so please feel free to post pictures on Twitter or use the observation email. Thank you and we look forward to seeing how the plants grow.


Last day of term

This morning we have had a super busy day in nursery, we had show & tell and all enjoyed seeing our friends favourite toys and listening to them telling us about them. We also had Sophia & Jayden’s birthdays. We got a little end of term treat which was to watch a little bit of Beauty and the Beast! Happy holidays everyone.



Numeracy and Money.

In the Nursery we have been learning about money. We have been buying items in our garden shop using a range of coins with different values.

Helping your child to become aware of money can be very important when developing good numeracy skills.

You can talk about the names, value, shape, size and colour of coins as you use them.

When shopping show your child the different ways you can pay for things, in shops and online.

Encourage your child to save pocket money or birthday money. This will help to begin, build on and develop money management skills.


Happy shopping.

Learning Journals

Just a wee reminder to our parents and carers to return the Learning Journals before the Easter Holidays. We hope these have given you an insight into some of the learning that takes place in nursery. Nursery staff would appreciate any feedback on the journals. There is a feedback sheet at the front of each journal. Thank you. Nursery Staff.

Spring baby animals

We have been learning about the different animals you see in Spring time. We also have been learning about baby animals that are born in Spring. Today in the 3-5 room we painted some chicks, piglets and some lambs.

