
Welcome back to our blog!

In literacy we were learning more about asking and answering questions, we spoke about mount cognito and how it helps us to make up more in-depth and challenging questions to use in our reading groups.


In maths we finished our first chapter on place value so we had a small assessment, we are looking forward to moving onto chapter two to learn more skills akin addition and subtraction.


In PE we had our last chance to work our core muscles because next week we are assessing ourselves to see if we have gotten any better at, sit ups, push up, Bailey bridges, squat thrust, shuttle runs and shooting. We are hoping that threw lots of practice our core body muscles will have strengthen and if not we have enjoyed learning about how to improve our muscles and keep healthy.


It it was our last week with Woman’s Aid, Hannah has been telling us all about domestic abuse at home and also about different kinds of abuse and how we can deal with it in different ways. We had another visit as well this week from the NSPCC that’s also told us about different types of abuse. We all now know the number to call if we want to talk to someone from the childline.

0800 1111



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