Hello everybody, Miss Petrie here. I hope you enjoy your first tasks with me this afternoon.
At some point today, I would like you to join in with PE with Joe Wicks as part of Health and Wellbeing. Now, more than ever, is a great time to be physically active to help with our mental wellbeing but also to make us fitter and stronger! Here is the link to Joe Wicks’ YouTube Channel. Please click on the latest video and join in. He posts these every Monday, Wednesday and Friday so feel free to do more as you wish 🙂
Click here for PE with Joe Wicks
After that, I have made a RE challenge for you about prayers. Remember to read the instructions fully and send your completed work to me at: ddrpetrie598@glow.sch.uk
RE – Guide to Prayers Lesson PowerPoint
Password is StMarys1234
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