Our Lady's R.C. Primary School – P1 Transition

Our Lady’s Staff Nursery Rhymes

The staff of Our Lady’s wanted to find a way for you to meet them and get to know them. We know that, during this time, you may not get to meet all the staff before you start at our school in Primary 1. So, some of our staff have shared recordings of their favourite nursery rhymes, linked to the transition challenges. We hope you enjoy! Remember, you can also share your photos / videos to our Twitter page (@OurLadysPS).

Miss Lamond

Miss Lamond is a Primary and Early Years Assistant (PEYSA) in our school. You will find her supporting in classes and around the school. Sometimes Miss Lamond works in the school office. Miss Lamond also helps outside in the playground at breaks and lunchtimes. Click on the link below to watch Miss Lamond singing the rhyme “Hey Diddle Diddle”.

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Mr Weir

Mr Weir is a class teacher in our school. He also helps to run the school football team. Click the link below to see Mr Weir singing “Row, row, row your boat”, accompanied by his guitar!

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Mrs Rooney

Mrs Rooney is a Learning and Care Assistant (LCA) in our school. She supports in classes and often works with individuals and groups on learning activities. Mrs Rooney also helps outside in the playground at breaktime and lunchtime. Click on the video to see Mrs Rooney share two bird puppets with you whilst saying the nursery rhyme “Two Little Dickie Birds”.

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Mrs Nicoll

Mrs Nicoll is the Depute Head Teacher of Our Lady’s Primary School. You will see Mrs Nicoll working around the school. She is looking forward to sharing your learning journey at Our Lady’s. Click on the video below to join in with Mrs Nicoll singing the nursery rhyme “Incy Wincy Spider”.

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Miss Paley

Miss Paley is a Senior Learning and Care Practitioner in our school. She works across the school supporting pupils, and works to help all support staff too. You may also see Miss Paley in the playground. Click on the video to watch Miss Paley sing the rhyme ” 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Once I caught a fish alive”.

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Mrs Clyne

Mrs Clyne is a Learning and Care Assistant (LCA) in our school. She works with children in class and sometimes supports individuals or small groups. Mrs Clyne also works in the playground at breaktime and lunchtime. Mrs Clyne lives in the country and has some sheep. She wanted to share this photo of two beautiful black sheep she has at her home:

Click on the file below to hear Mrs Clyne singing a nursery rhyme all about a black sheep, called “Baa Baa Black Sheep”.

Mrs Clyne - Baa Baa Black Sheep
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Mrs Singh

Mrs Singh is a Learning and Care Assistant (LCA) in our school. You will find Mrs Singh supporting all around the school. She is also one of the staff you will meet out in the playground at breaktimes and lunchtimes. Click the video below to watch Mrs Singh saying the rhyme “Humpty Dumpty”.

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Mr Ferrie

Mr Ferrie is a class teacher in Our Lady’s. He also helps to run the school football team. Click the link below to hear Mr Ferrie singing “Incy Wincy Spider”.

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Miss Nugent

Miss Nugent is a class teacher at Our Lady’s. She is one of the teachers who runs an exciting coding club in school. Click the below video to listen to Miss Nugent saying the rhyme “Hickory Dickory Dock”.

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Miss Maclean

Miss Maclean is a class teacher at Our Lady’s. She runs a dance club in school and has led a number of our school shows. Click the link below to hear Miss Maclean singing the rhyme “1,2,3,4. Once I caught a fish alive”.


Miss Lyttle

Miss Lyttle is a class teacher in our school. She also runs an arts and crafts club in school. Click on the below video to join Miss Lyttle in singing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star”.


Mrs Stewart

Mrs Stewart is a class teacher at Our Lady’s. She also runs a mindfulness club in school. Click the link below to hear Mrs Stewart singing the nursery rhyme “Hickory Dickory Dock”.

Mrs Stewart - Hickory Dickory Dock
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Mrs Keegan

Mrs Keegan is the Principal Teacher of Supporting Learners in Our Lady’s. You will find Mrs Keegan working all around the school. Mrs Keegan can’t wait to meet all of the new P1s and work with them! Click on the video below to see Mrs Keegan singing the nursery rhyme “Incy Wincy Spider”.

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