Animal HIIT Workout

Hello everyone!
Here is a fun 7 minute high intensity interval training activity for kids (and grown ups too! πŸ‘)  You will need a timer so that each animal β€˜move’ lasts 45 seconds and try rest for 15-30 seconds in between each move. You will need some of your favourite music too. You could always try animal/Disney songs to get in the mood.  Here are how you do the moves:

🐻Bear walk – walk with your hands and feet on the floor, hips high – walk left then right

🐸Frog jump – hop hop hop like a frog

🦍Gorilla shuffle – in a low sumo squat, use your hands to balance and shuffle around the room

⭐️ Starfish jumps – jump up and down spreading out your arms and legs (star jumps)

πŸ†Cheetah run – run run run as fast as you can like the fastest animal in the Sahara

πŸ¦€Crab walk – sitting down, place your palms on the floor behind you, lift your hips and crawl on your arms from side to side

🐘Elephant stomp – march around the room, heavy on your feet. Use your arm as a trunk!

Have fun! ☺️

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