Wish Jar

Hello everyone.

I hope you have all had a lovely day in the sunshine. I have another idea to keep you busy at home. Why don’t you start a ‘wish jar?’ Because we have to stay at home to keep safe at the moment, there are lots of things we usually do that we might be missing out on. For example, visiting family/friends, going on holiday, visiting places, eating out, etc.
Every time that you think of something you would like to do, get a grown up to help you write your “wish” on a post-it and pop them into a jar or a tub. Once this troublesome time is over, we can pick a post-it out one at a time and do what it says. This way we have so many lovely things to look forward to once this is all over. 💕☀️🥳🌴🌸🌟🌈🍦⚽️🚂🏕🎉
Lots of love! 😊

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