

Hudson has been developing his fine motor skills weaving materials through the wheel.

Reggie and Keira have shown interest in developing fine motor skills through puzzles.

Reggie has been using the wheelbarrow to transport items around the garden.

Aniyah and Keira have been developing their independence skills practising putting on and taking off  their coat.  They have also been putting on and taking off their waterproof trousers.

Outside a few children have been exploring puddles and used the water and brushes to mark make and clean things around the garden.


This week a number of children have been exploring loose parts using these to design their own Christmas trees and other Christmas pictures.

They have also been developing their cutting skills through using scissors and cutting wrapping paper to create their own presents.

A few children have been developing their fine motor skills in different ways.

A group of children worked together to create their own slide. They experimented using water and foam to find out what would make their slide work best.

In the garden, Joshua used decorations to decorate a tree. When using the baubles, he noticed he could see his reflection in one of them. he then used this to reflect other things he saw outside.

Aarron and Danny have shown great interest in measuring and comparing heights.

In the other garden, a group of children have been investigating different ways to make water travel using different pieces of equipment. they worked together giving one another instructions and sharing their ideas.

Inside, a few children have been using the magnetic shapes and blocks to create their own models and pictures.

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