

A number of children continue to show an interest in fire fighter role-play. They worked together to create their own fire engine.

They then looked at a book together to find out more about fire fighters.


Some children collected leaves from the garden and used them to create pieces of art.


They then looked at a book together to find out more about fire fighters.


Carving, investigating, discussing and decorating pumpkins.

A group of children took turns to play a Halloween matching game on the interactive whiteboard.

In the garden, a group of children collected together their own ingredients and  mixed them to create a witches potion.

Some children have been developing their fine motor skills placing pegs in boards.

On rainy days, a group of children have shown interest in investigating the large puddle in the garden. Some children have also  collected water and used it to create their own puddles.      

Another group of children continue to show interest in playing the floor is lava. They used loose parts to create places for them to jump between to keep them safe from the lava.

All of the children have been reading The Rainbow Fish story in their groups learning more about sharing. In the story the Rainbow Fish is on his own as he does not want to share with others. After being given some advice he decides to share his colourful scales and other fish ask him to play with them. Each week the children learn about a new word from the story. They have learned about the words proud and silent.

In group time, some of the children have been singing counting rhymes and playing games about shapes. 

In the garden a couple of children found a tiny red spider.  Ayva wanted to find other colours of spiders. A few children then went on to the computer to find out what other colours of spiders you can get.

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