The great adventurers week 18

The children received a letter and certificates from yeti headquarters for how well they have been looking after Dot and Yet. They are now all ‘Growth Mindset yeti’ Expert Yeti keepers!

Last week the children started their new ABC and beyond book the Yeti’s roar. The word of the week was practise meaning to keep doing something. The children had to build a tower as tall as they could and were encouraged to keep practising and they would get better at it.

The children enjoyed some time in the playground having the opportunity to climb and practise pushing a cart around different obstacles.

Children in the nursery narrative groups have become excellent story tellers and received their certificates for completing the programme. They can now tell stories to others using the signs they have learned on their certificate.

The children have also been learning about patterns. They have started to explore size with big, small patterns, same shape patterns and colour patterns.

In the construction area children have been learning to use different tools to hammer in nails and make things. We have been talking about how to use the tools and keep safe.

In Big noise the children got to explore with different instruments and the sounds they made. They played instruments separately and together to find out what different sounds they could make.

The children have also shown an interest in measure and been using measuring tapes and non-standard units to measure things around the nursery. Some  children were measuring out the ingredients following the instruction board to make their own playdough.

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