The great adventurers week 6

This week the children explored the self-regulation area together with the staff.  Staff reminded children that this is a place they can go to and put their name against how they are feeling. We talked about how feelings can change throughout the day and that this is normal. There are a number of resources available here to help children regulate their emotions which were shown to them including blankets, stories, things to squeeze, stretch and shake.

The children have been continuing to explore the story Dear Zoo. The purple group focussed on recalling the events of the story selecting the correct animals in order using puppets to retell the story.

The word of the week from Dear Zoo was danger. The children talked about what the word danger meant and identified a symbol to represent danger making a cross with their arms. They identified the number of syllables in the word danger using 2 claps to represent the syllables. They also talked about what could be dangerous and here were some of their responses.





In Numeracy children continued to focus on numbers to 5. They are learning more about number recognition and quantities through stories. The blue group were counting ladybirds in their story this week.

The green group were working together in group time partnering up and singing nursery rhymes.

In art the children continue to enjoy mixing paints. They mixed up colours of their choice using coloured powder and water. They then put pasta in the paint to add colour to it. Once the pasta paint was dry they threaded this onto string to make their own jewellery.

Both in the nursery and out in the garden there has been a real interest in water. Children have enjoyed dropping different items into the water such as balls and stones and watching what happens.


Children have also been busy in the mud kitchen mixing mud, shaving foam and water making different kinds of cakes and cups of tea.



They finished off the week finding out who had been awarded friendly fish scales this week. Children are given friendly fish scales for doing nice things such as sharing and helping others.

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