Tag Archives: flower show

So much sorting!

This week we have been very busy sorting.  We are able to sort by colour, size and shape.  We have sorted lots of different things including compare bears, buttons, shapes, animals and lots of things from our natural area.

We are getting very good at taking photographs of our learning to put in our folios.

We have been learning and taking turns in the Active Learning Area this week.  Some of our favourite places to learn are the puppet show where we have been telling the story of Sleeping Beauty, the construction area where we have been building words with the sounds we know and the dolls house where we have been taking turns to be different characters.

This week we were very excited to find out that we won prizes for our entries in the Dundee Flower and Food Festival.  Our class entry of an autumn tree won second prize and Kira won first prize for her paper plate hedgehog.  We were all very pleased and are discussing what to do with our prize money.

Week beginning Monday 9th September.

  • Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please)
  • We will send homework out on a Thursday. Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday.  There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
  • Book bags will be issued on a Friday.  Please enjoy reading the book with your chid over the weekend and return it to school on Monday morning.
  • Please ensure you have a named gym kit in a gym bag in school.
  • Please ensure that ALL items of school uniform are named.