We have had a brilliant first week at school and have all had great fun meeting our teachers and making new friends. We have explored our classroom and all the different learning areas.

We have a daily clock that shows us all the activities we will be doing. We take it in turns to move the arrow around to the next activity.

We are counting the number of days that we have been in Primary 1. Every day we add a number to our number square.

Dens Road is a health promoting school so every day at playtime we have fruit to eat. On Thursday we visited Miss Gauld in her area to taste and learn about different fruits. Miss Gauld prepared seven different fruits for us to try. The selection was watermelon, dates, peaches, apricot, pineapple, lemon and mango.

We all enjoyed tasting the different fruits and deciding which was our favourite. They were all so delicious it was difficult to choose one! We added our favourites to a chart on the wall.

The most popular fruit was watermelon. Miss Gauld has said that she will make sure we have some watermelon to enjoy in our playtime fruit box. Delicious!!
Week beginning 19th August 2013
- We are still in for mornings only this week 9.00am – 12.15pm
- Remember to bring your filled, named water bottle with you every day (no juice please)
- We will send homework out on a Thursday. Please send it to school every day but any tasks should be completed by Wednesday. There will be no homework on a Wednesday night.
- DC Thomsons will be coming to take our photograph for the paper on Friday 30th August. We will let you know when it is going to be in the paper.
- Book bags will be issued on a Friday. Please enjoy reading the book with your chid over the weekend and return it to school on Monday morning.
- We are going to be in school fulltime from Monday 2nd September 2013
Our project is Sleeping Beauty.