The World According to Elaine and Moira

The exploits of Elaine and Moira as they promote reading for pleasure in Dundee

Meta Cognition Day



It’s not every day a TOP SECRET envelope arrives on your desk so you can imagine our excitement when we each received one. Inside was a letter inviting us to an assembly, and day of activities, at Dens Road Primary to update us on how their Meta Cognition Initiative is progressing.

It all started on May 4th last year and things seems to have gone from strength to strength.  We were very impressed with the confidence of P7s delivering an excellent assembly explaining the concept of Meta Cognition and how it relates to their individual learning.

If you would like to understand more about ‘learning to learn’ click here.

Thank you, and well done Superheroes of Dens Road, we look forward to future updates and TOP SECRET Letters:-)



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