The World According to Elaine and Moira

The exploits of Elaine and Moira as they promote reading for pleasure in Dundee

Is it OK to be angry?


This was the question posed by Sally Romilly at last night’s CPD in the One World Centre. It sparked a really good philosophical discussion amongst the packed house! This was followed by Clare Fulton treating us to a beautiful reading of Grandfather Gandhi which was written by Arun Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi’s grandson. Then bingo! By the wonders of modern technology we were talking to Arun Gandhi via Skipe 😀 It was such a privilege to hear his memories and stories which were both thought provoking and interesting.

Finally,  I can’t sign off without mentioning the cake – Oh My Giddy Aunt ‘twas amazing and enhanced a truly splendid event.  Thank you.



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