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My Pixelated Picture by Zahra

In  the past me and my class where doing pixelated pictures. In the start we planned out our pictures on plain paper. On mine I had done three mountains, one tree, a lough of water, birds and a sun. Next we drew our plan on to our sheet of pixel’s.  I had found it hard but also I found it fun and new to do. When we finished we coloured them in (carefully inside the boxes) with colour pencils and we weren’t aloud to mix to different colours in the same box. I think I did a really good job. I had put all my effort in and time an it came out great!

My Art , Erin

When I started my pixelated picture I first had to make a plan so I knew what I was doing but when I ended up doing the pixelated picture I changed a lot. I put in animals , trees , hills and a sun. For the sun I coloured in the individual squares but I liked it when It looked really boxy so I didn’t try to make it  curved . when I did the hills I outlined it in black then coloured them in brown then I drew some small trees and a fox . At this point I was almost done I just had to colour in the sky and the grass that was the longest part it took me forever but then I was done and it looked like an old video game . I really liked the way this looked and I would like to more pixelated pictures.

My Pixelated Picture.

A few days a go we were doing pixelated picture I think I did really well. We first needed to make a plan and then we went on to drawing I did 3 hills, 2 streams,and 1 loch, I added stones to the side , I added lots of trees to make it look better and then I added birds. Then I was almost done all I had to colour in and that was the hardest thing to do then I was done. Next time I think I should get rid of the outlines so all the squares are one colour.


Our Minecraft project O.L

I am exited to be doing this project because I get to play Minecraft and build some buildings and other stuff. It will be really awesome to do this because it will be something different from what I am used to doing . I think this will be a really good project and I am happy to be doing this.

My Art Demi

When I started my pixelated picture I did a plan and then we pixelated them I think I did pretty well but I got some of it wrong  it was really fun I hope we do it again and I can try and do it a bit better. I can choose my shapes a bit better and do my plan a bit more accurate.



My Pixel Artwork L.T

First I planned my picture with three different hills , river ,trees ,lake ,mushroom and animals.

Then on squared paper I copied my first picture that I planned.  I drew three animals;a swan, rabbit and bear. I thought a rabbit and swan was going to be a hard thing to draw with pixel. But when I finished it I was proud of it and even my teacher was saying it was good! After that I was nearly finished- I had finished my sky and sun . Finally, I coloured the mountains- the hardest bit because it was tricky to make the shading of the light and dark right. When my pixel picture was finished I was proud of it because everything was quite neat!


Our Minecraft Project FF

I feel exited for the project in minecraft because I used to test things on blocks on my ps I like building towers houses building and swimming pools but I have never built parts of Scotland. I feel I can help with the project because I like building structures. I think if I make some mistakes on the colours shades I will improve these things.

pixelated art

Last week on Thursday we did pixelated art we had to draw a plan on a plaine piece of paper then transfer our image onto 1mm squared paper. I think I got on really well in my image I had 3 hills,2 trees one  ethier side of the paper, a bunny, a fox a squirell  in the trees and a stream coming down the 2nd hill , a loch and a family of bunnies . I’m still in the middle of doing my art work so its not finshed but next time I am going to try include less things because its going to take me a long time to finish but I think it will be worth it in the end.

Pixelated Pictures Rwj

For are art work we were doing pixelated pictures. First of all we planned out are picture and details that we were doing in the picture. Second of all we took a piece of squared  paper and we copied the plan on to the sheet. I added a few mountains that were covered in frost. I also put in a tree and a moon. I think I got on reasonably well but I could of tried to add in more detail.