Higher Photography

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See the tasks submission dates on Show My Homework   

However, all work will be posted on Teams  under the ‘Assignment’ tab. This should also show up on your ‘Posts’ page where if you click on it it will take you into the Assignment – please make sure you read the tasks properly and thoroughly so you know what you should be doing. 


If you haven’t done so already, Unit 2 must be submitted to Mr Henderson for evidence. Some pupils may not have been in school for the December deadline due to isolating. Please ensure you submit this for review. This is a vital piece of evidence to support your Higher.

Starting Final Project: 

There will be a range of work posted on Teams to get you started and underway with your research for your final project. 

This work will support you keeping a good pace for your final project, so it is vitally important you do work to support this.


What if I have a question – how do I contact my teacher?

If you have any questions, please put this up onto your class Teams by going onto the ‘Posts’ tab to type a question for your teacher.

When should I do this work?

You are expected as best as possible to time manage your work, you should mirror your school timetable which means a teacher will be available for you at the same time as you would have the class when in school e.g. P1 – 08:45-09:20am

*Remember the tasks set are based on the amount of time you would have in Higher Photography – we see you SIX periods a week for 40/50mins. The work posted mirrors this time. 

What do I do when I have completed my work?

Once tasks are complete, you should upload them via the Assignment task on Teams to submit to your class teacher – just the same as handing work in when in class.

Staff Email for pupil use only if needing to contact teacher: 

Mrs. Mikkelsen: ddsmikkelsen911@glow.sch.uk

Mr. Henderson: ddshenderson535@@glow.sch.uk

Miss. Speedie: ddaspeedie875@@glow.sch.uk

Miss. Doyle: ddsdoyle494@@glow.sch.uk