Tag Archives: sportsmanship

Breaking news………Football Success

A big well done to the footballers from P5, 6 and 7 who today exceeded all expectations by reaching the final of the Meikleham Cup at Gussie Park. They fought through their section with a win, a draw and a defeat, then edged out St Andrew’s Primary in the semi-final. We’re really proud of all the boys – their play was great and their sportsmanship exemplary even though they were so disappointed to be pipped by an excellent St Mary’s PS team (which included former classmate Javade – big congratulations to them) in the final.
Well done, Ciaran, Daniel, Kian, Reece, Lee, Jomi, Brian and Connor. You were great ambassadors for our school – you’ve proved that success and good sportsmanship can go together and you deserve your medals as competition runners-up.
Thanks to the competition organisers – everything went really smoothly.
Photos soon…………………………………………..