
THANKS to the many who came to our Parents/Carers Evenings this week – over 95% of our children had someone able to come along, an excellent turnout.

REMINDER: We are ‘Open’ to all tomorrow (Thursday, 6th) afternoon – all Parents/Carers are welcome to visit the school to see the classrooms ‘in action’, etc. We’ll start with the Parent Council AGM at 1.30 in the Assembly Hall (this will be a short but important get together – we really need more parents/carers to put their hands up and volunteer to help out with all the things we’ve got going on, so please give this some thought!) followed by the chance to see what’s going on around the school. A cup of tea will be available from 2.30 in the Dining Hall. Anyone visiting is welcome to take their youngster home afterwards (as long as you let us know before leaving.)

REMINDER 2: Jeans for Genes Charity Day this Friday – for a small £1, the kids can wear their jeans/own clothes to support a very worthwhile cause (more info at

REMINDER 3: Holidays at 3.15 on Friday for two weeks. 🙂

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