Chickens, Bunnies and Easter!

Well our class Assembly is now over.  We all had a great time rehearsing for it, and on Friday it was super to finally be on the stage in front of the school, our parents and carers for the final performance.  Everyone in the class had an important part to play whether it was reading, acting or singing.

Springtime and Easter was our theme, and we started off by sharing a few of our favourite things about this time of year.  Here we are on stage.


Some of us brought in fluffy animal toys to add to our springtime theme.  Charleigh’s toy lit up!!  Morgan’s piglet was almost as big as her!  Others dressed up in something bright and yellow…. isn’t Cameron’s outfit cool?


Some of the girls wore Easter bonnets.

 Here are some of the boys just before we started our performance…oh and Shauna, who is playing peek-a-boo behind her pink plaster!



We used puppets as part of our assembly.  Here are our puppets.

We sang the Spring Chicken Song and were very pleased that everyone in the hall joined in.  We sang our Spring Chicken song again when everyone was leaving the hall to go back to their classes, and they were all singing and dancing as they went out.  It was lovely.

We also sang a song about what happens when you plant a seed.  Logan planted a seed in a pot, then Keighan,  Marc and Kai pretended to water it while Brandon came on with the ‘sun’.  It was amazing because at the end of our song Ciaran touched the pot (with a magic wand) and a flower suddenly appeared!  The magic is a secret only P2/3F know about……

We finished off our assembly with a song about the true meaning of Easter because it’s not just about chickens and chocolate.  Our Assembly message was that when we roll our eggs it should remind us of the time when the stone was rolled away from Jesus’ tomb. 

Afterwards we went back to our classroom and Charleigh gave everyone a sticker for performing well.


Oops…where did Marc go??

Next week is our last week of this term.  We’ll be tidying up and taking some of our artwork home……remember to bring a carrier bag!