As a class, we will be using the book “Street Child” by Berlie Doherty as our class book study. Through our book study, we will be learning more about “Book Detetive” roles, and will have a chance to apply these skills when reading our reading rings novels. Our topic for this term is the Victorians, so we are working on a book based on life in Victorian times. It is all about a boy, Jim, who becomes an orphan and experiences life in a work house. We have really enjoyed the book study so far, and look forward to finding out more about what happens to Jim.
In the first week of the book study, we have been carrying out the role of “illuminators”. This involved finding clues (words and phrases) in the text which are to do with the feelings, emotions and personality of characters in the story. Here we are highlighting an extract from “Street Child” to be illuminators.