Week Beginning 1st September

It has been another extremely busy week at Longhaugh. We had our first 2 assemblies of the year. The behaviour of our youngsters was outstanding. Our primary 1 pupils also had their photograph taken for the Evening Telegraph. Primary 7 pupils attended Safetaysiders and enjoyed an fun afternoon learning about keeping safe.

We look forward to another fun filled busy week this week!

Weekly diary


At each Monday morning assembly we always discuss one or two articles from The United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. Last week we looked at Articles 28 and 29. This is about the right to have a an education.

We also watched this video clip  which helps explain a little about the convention.

House Captains

At assembly our house captains, school captains and head teacher rep were announced.

Broughty: Ajay Brissette and Caitlin Barclay

Claypotts : Reece Johnston and Rachel Glen

Dudhope:  Phoenix Gibb and Jessica Saunders

Mains: Cody Logue and Holly Stewart

Head Teacher Rep: Brandon Patterson

School Captains: Bobby Douglas and Rinnell Adams


Week 1

Pics of the Week

Click on the picture to see pics of the week


Primary 7 leave for Dalguise on Monday. You can keep informed of how they are getting on through twitter with the hashtag #lpsdal

Social Target

Every 2 weeks we have a focus on a social target. This is linked to our HWB scheme Bounceback and to the general learning and teaching in the school.

This is the social target for this week

Microsoft for Pupils

Pupils in Dundee schools are now eligible to download Microsoft Office ProPlus (instructions attached) for use on their home or personal computer equipment. This is a great benefit for pupils. Access to the software is free for them. Since, however, the computer equipment will most likely belong to parents or carers, schools are advised to inform them, about this opportunity, and pass on the instructions for downloading and installing to them, and not just to pupils.

The software is provided as-is and no support for the installation or use of the software is provided by Dundee City Council. Any incident compromising a computer during installation will not be the responsibility of Dundee City Council.

This version of Microsoft Office is compatible with the version deployed in all Dundee Schools.

Week Beginning 25th August 2014

Welcome Back

It is great to be back after a seven week holiday. I hope you all had a great summer and are happy to be back at school. All our young people look very smart and have come back to school ready and prepared to learn. It never fails to amaze me just what an absolute credit our youngsters are to our school community.

The summer holiday was a busy one for the school. A lot of building work was going on and most of this is now finished but some work still needs to be completed. One of the on going consequences of the work not being completed is that we will not be able to provide a tuck shop for the next few weeks.

The Longhaugh Support Group is now situated within what was previously our infant department. I know many of you are not entirely sure what service the LSG provides. A future blog will explain in more detail exactly what it is but in short it is a city wide provision for supporting pupils from across Dundee.

As the LSG is now in the main building primary 1 , primary 1/2 an primary 2 are now in the annex.

Weekly Diary

Already, this early in to the session, things beginning to be very busy.

Primary 1

Our new primary one pupils started on Wednesday. It has been a great start and every single pupil has settled in well. They have already begun our literacy scheme, Read Write Inc learning new sounds.

This Thursday the primary 1’s will have their picture taken for the Evening Telegraph. More details will be sent to parents and carers early next week.


Our first newsletter was issued this week and you should have found it in school bags. It is our intention to have a minimum of one newsletter per term. There is lots of important information contained in newsletters.

newsletter 1aug

School Dinners

This week will be week 3 on the school dinner rota

This Week in pictures

As always we try to keep you updated on twitter  (twitter.com/longhaughps) of all that is going on at Longhaugh PS

To see what has been happening at Longhaugh click here

Pic of the Week

Well done Denny!