Tag Archives: Zumba

Hip to be Fit!

Hello and welcome to our blog!

We’ve had a very active week this week and been busy doing all sorts of exercise. P1 at Longhaugh know it’s hip to be fit! We thought, wouldn’t it be a good idea not only to have a day where we all participated in lots of physical activities but we asked our family and friends to sponsor us. So we exercised to keep ourselves fit and healthy and raised funds for our school at the same time! Genius!!

We started to write our stories about the 4th Little Pig. We drew a picture for the beginning and the middle of our stories. We had to think of something that was different to the traditional tale. Some of us thought that the wolf could go on holiday with the pigs. Some of us thought that it could be the wolf’s birthday. We had lots of ideas.

We also participated in a fantastic drama lesson. We had super props to make the Three Little Pigs story come to life!


We also finished our paper mache pigs. We put eyes and ears on them and gave them a curly tail. Don’t they look fantastic?


We have been looking at money this week and using games on the interactive white board to help us. We have also been playing bingo games and completing sheets using different amounts of coins.

We also did some “active” maths as we were being fit and healthy this week. We were making patterns with tops and cones. We worked in groups and made shapes on the ground. We did circuits of jumps, hops, shuttle runs, throwing and catching a bean bag. We had to count how many times we did this in a minute. In groups we had to run in a clock wise direction. We had to pretend we were coins and join with other “coins” to make a price tag! Four corners were given a number, our teachers set us a question (an adding or subtraction question) and we had to run to the corner that had the correct answer. Who knew maths could be such fun!!


We are having a piggy sports day with all the boys and girls from the nursery. We are going to be leading the sports and showing the Nursery boys and girls how grown up and responsible we are in P1, so we have been practising all the races!

On Friday we had our Hip to be Fit day. We participated in all sorts of physical activities during the day. We had our “active” maths lessons and our drama lessons in the first half of the morning. We then did aerobics in the hall with Mrs Quinton.


 In the afternoon we had a zumba class with Sarah and then we danced with “Just Dance“. In between all that, we were outside practicing our races and activities for the Piggy Sports! Phew!!


As if this week wasn’t funfilled enough, we had a visit from M & M Productions who put on their version of The Little Princess. We all loved it! Even Mrs Jenkins got to go on the stage!


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Several children have not brought a full gym kit back to school since returning after the Easter holidays. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work

Keeping Fit at Activity Week!

This week at school has been very different from the normal working week. It’s been Activity week and every day we have been going to and trying out all sorts of physical activities.

We have already learned how important a balanced diet and exercise is to keep us strong and healthy and we have also been looking at different sports as  the Olympics are coming to London very soon. So it was great fun and really interesting to spend a whole week of trying all sorts of new and familiar physical activities.

We tried gymnastics. Pam, who came from a local gymnastics club, showed us basic gymnastic skills. She showed us how to do a forward roll properly and we had different stations around the gym that we all tried out.


We also went to try cheerleading. Eleanor, who runs a local cheerleading club, showed us how to warm up properly and we did some basic moves ending up performing a small routine!


We tried Zumba! Zumba tonic is the zumba dance craze for children and Jai, the instructor, made sure we warmed up correctly and she taught us simple moves and we learned a dance called the Penguin Dance! Great fun!


Next we were able to try Hip Hop. Our instructor came from the Chest, Heart and Stroke charity. She told us it was important to eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables  and drink 8 glasses of water every day to keep our heart strong. Exercise is equally important and she showed us simple hip hop moves to introduce us to the dance.


A few of the activities we were able to do on the playing fields outside. Paul and Jordan had different stations on the grass and we practised kicking, dribbling and shooting the football into the goals. We worked in teams and Paul gave us points each time we scored a goal etc.


We also learned about the sport Boccia. This is a sport that’s in the Paralympic Games. We all had to sit in chairs, some in red chairs, some in blue. There was a white bowl called a Jack and we had to throw the bowls as near to the Jack as we could.


Our teachers set up an assault course on the grass and again we worked in teams and we jumped over hurdles, crawled threw tunnels etc. It was great fun!


We had a sports event with the P2’s and the P3’s. We had a practise first and we did running races, three legged race, the potato and spoon race and a wheelbarrow race. We also practised some silly races like the monkey race and the running backwards race!



On the day of the sports, unfortunately it was raining, so we had to have our sports in our assembly hall. It was a pity we couldn’t go outside but it didn’t spoil our fun.

As part of our activity week we have been learning more about the Olympics and the meaning of the Olympic torch.

We watched the Olympic torch live as it arrived in Montrose and we watched it on its journey as it was coming down towards Dundee. We met Stephanie who was very lucky and had been a torch bearer in Wales. She came dressed in her Olympic tracksuit and showed us her actual torch. It was very exciting.

We decided to make our own torches. I’m sure you agree they look equally as good as the real thing!


We also learned about the mascots,Wenlock and Mandeville. We read about them and we designed our own mascots on the official Olympic site. Also on the official site we watched Wenlock and Mandeville’s rainbow journey.


Phew what a busy and active week we have all had!!