Tag Archives: Valentines Day

He loves me……he loves me not….

Welcome back to a romantic blog this week in celebration of Valentine’s Day! We have been making cards for the person we love, talking about the things and the people we love and also talking about our emotions and how they make us feel.

We have been revising all our sounds again this week and using our sounds to make words and write short, simple sentences. We have also been writing about the things that we love. Our sentences started, I love……


We have continued to work on our addition this week. We used our ladybird addition box to help us and we were also working on the tricky missing number sums.


In our topic we were looking at homes from the past and comparing the differences to homes that are built now. We looked at the different types of materials used and the way house styles have changed through the years.

We also looked at past and present household items. We looked at old washing machines, irons, cookers and toilets. We didn’t fancy using some of these things, especially the toilet that didn’t have a flush!!!


In health this week we have been talking about our emotions. We gave them their proper names and talked about the differences between them. We also shared stories of  times where we might have felt these emotions, e.g., sadness, anger, happiness, fear, and how our bodies and faces might have looked or reacted when we felt these emotions.


This week we made our Valentine’s card to take home to the person we love the most. Some of us made cards for our mummy, our daddy, our granny or our sister.

It was quite a tricky job. We worked with a partner and our partner helped to draw around our hands. We then had to carefully cut them out. We then cut out 2 love hearts and stuck them onto our hands. Then came the really tricky part! We had two long strips of paper and we had to carefully and slowly fold them over each other so that they looked a bit like a concertina. We then wrote a message on each of the love hearts. On the first we wrote,’ I love you’. On the second we wrote, ‘this much!.’ we then glued the folded paper onto the hands.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

Valentine’s Week

This week we have been revising all our sounds. We have been practising using flashcards and playing sounds games. We have also been writing all our sounds on our whiteboards.


This week in number we have started to learn about time. We talked about why we tell the time and we looked at all the clocks and watches in the classroom. We looked at the hour hand, the minute hand and o’clock. We then made our own clock. We wrote the numbers on small squares and made the hour hand and the minute hand and put them on our own clocks.


This week we didn’t just make a sandwich for Mr Gringling, we made our very own real sandwich! We talked about healthy fillings and what would be good to put inside a sandwich. We chose our own fillings, made our sandwich and then tasted it. We then recorded our thoughts. We also wrote instructions on how to make a healthy sandwich.


As Valentine’s day was this week, we made cards. We painted our hand and put in on a pink heart. We wrote a special message inside to someone we love.


We also made hanging hearts from pipe cleaners decorated with beads.


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Mid Term

Welcome to P1’s blog! We are only at school for 3 days this week so we have been very busy fitting everything in that we needed to do.

We learned two more sounds this week. They are ‘sh’ and ‘qu’.


When we do the action for ‘sh’ we put our finger to our lips as if we are telling someone to be quiet. For ‘qu’, we put the palms of our hands together and open them up pretending  our hands are a ducks beak.


As next Monday is Valentines Day and we won’t be at school, we made our cards ready to give to some one we love. We had silver foil hearts and using the handle end of a paint brush we pressed a design on the foil. We then turned the hearts over and glued them onto red card. We wrote our message  on the inside.


On Tuesday we did another water experiment. This time we wanted to see what objects would float and what objects would sink. Mrs Adams and Miss Simpson gathered together 15 items. We were all given 1 item and had to predict whether we thought it would float or sink when we put it in the water.


After we discovered whether it floated or sank we put them in the correct pile. We then recorded our findings on a sheet.


Notices for parents :

Gym – Every Monday and Friday. Please ensure your child has  full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday from 3.00pm to 3.15pm.

Homework – Words and sounds every night.