Tag Archives: Royal Wedding

Royal Wedding

This week we have been continuing to work hard on our addition to 10. We’ve been using our ‘number in our heads’ number lines and adding 1 more, 2 more and 3 more, remembering to start with the bigger number first.

We’ve also been continuing to practice our words and sounds and we’ve been learning and writing three letter words. To help us with this we have been playing matching games, using word lace cards, our word beebot mat and wearing our phonics bibs.


We started our new topic ‘plant’s this week. The new Garden Centre role play area opened and we talked about all the things plants need to grow strong and stay healthy. We found out that last years P1’s had visited a garden centre and we looked at the book they had made. We all agreed that we were really looking forward to learning all about plants and actually growing some plants ourselves!

We painted sunflowers to decorate the garden centre area. This was quite tricky as we had to press our brush down on to the paper to make it look like petals and move the paper round so we were painting in a circle. we had to concentrate hard!


As it is the wedding of Prince William and Catherine Middleton on Friday we discussed what we knew about weddings and we looked at photos of the royal couple and other wedding pictures.

To celebrate the day we made a flag that we could wave, aslo we designed a special commemorative plate or a dress fit for a bride. We also had juice, biscuits and played some party games to get us in the wedding spirit!



GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm

Homework – words and sounds every night.

Infant Sports afternoon will be on 1st June – details to follow