Tag Archives: money

Mid term Break

This is a very short week for us at Longhaugh Primary as it’s our mid term break. We have, however, managed to squeeze lots of things into our 3 days.

We have been revising our sounds and tricky words this week and we’ve also been doing some reading assessments. We’ve been checking how many sounds we know and how many words we can sound out and write. We’ve been playing matching word and picture games and finding a picture and writing the word. We’ve also been listening to sounds and words and writing them down.


We have continued to work on money this week. We looked at the prices in our shop and we had to find the right coins to pay for the item. We’ve also been playing money matching pairs and money games on our interactive white board.


We have been learning a little about the Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the snake and begins on February 10th.

At this time of year chinese families get together to celebrate. The lantern festival is held on the 15th day of the first lunar month. We made our own lanterns to celebrate chinese new year.



Part of the lantern festival is the dragon dance. Large, painted dragons are held aloft by dancers who dance as they guide the giant dragon through the streets. We made our own dragons.


In our topic we looked at old toys and new toys and we also looked at objects of varying sizes and weights and we pulled them and pushed them. We had to investigate and predict how far an object would travel if we gave it a gentle push or if we gave it a hard push. We played some of these games on the interactive white board too.


We also had our Burn’s poetry competition. It was very hard indeed for our teachers to pick winners so much so in fact that Miss Donaldson in P1A gave all her class winner certificates. In P1B, Declan Petrie received a certificate. Well done Declan! In P1C, Hollie Glen and Dylan MacGregor won certificates. Well done Hollie and Dylan!


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 7th February for staff in-service training and closed to pupils and staff on Friday the 8th and Monday 11th February for the mid tem holiday.

100 Days of School!

We have been celebrating this week in P1, we have now been at school for 100 days!

Our 100 day anniversary was on Wednesday but we began preparing for our celebrations earlier on in the week.

We made our party hats. We decorated bands of paper and cut out a “100” and stuck it on to the middle of the band. We then curled strips of paper and glued them on to the sides of our hats so it looked like we had multi coloured hair! We also decorated “100” style specs. We looked really cool with all our “100” head gear on.



We thought it would be a good idea to include the rest of the school in our celebrations, so we made marshmallow top hats, chocolate rice krispie cakes and iced biscuits and sold them to all the boys and girls at break time. They sold very well indeed and we managed to raise money for school funds at the same time!


On the day of our celebration itself we were very excited. We counted in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. We put our “10’s” lily pads in order from0 all the way to 100. We made 10 groups of 10 coloured cubes.

We painted 100 dots on our 100 picture. We had cakes in the shape of 100 (which we all ate later! Yum!) We had 100 candles in the shape of 100. No celebration would be complete without candles!


We jumped 100 jumps. We hopped 100 hops. We threw a beanbag 100 times and we ran 100 metres! What an exhausting day!


We also continued to look at our topic  generations. We looked at some old toys. Toys that maybe our grannies or great grannies and granddads might have played with. We looked at how they worked and we also got a chance to play with them.



P1C went to visit local pensioners at Servite housing. We asked them questions about the toys and games they played when they were children. One of the ladies showed us coins we had never seen before. They were coins that were in use when she was a little girl. We played some board games with the ladies and we had a lovely afternoon. P1A and P1B will also be visiting over the next few weeks.


We revisited and revised all our sounds this week and we were also writing words that our teacher said out loud to see if we could sound out and then write the word. We also have sentence cards. We read the sentence and drew a matching picture to show we understood what the sentence said then copied the sentence into our jotter.


We continued working on money this week and we matched cards of coins and to real coins. We had objects for sale in our shop and we had to find the correct coins to match the price tag, just like a real life shop.


Parent Notices

Gym Please ensure that your child has a full gym kit in school. Gym days are on a Tuesday and a Wednesday. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Your child has been given a blue homework packet, please ensure your child brings this to school every day.

Open Doors – Every Friday from 3.003.15pm. Come into class and see all your child’s hard work.

The school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 7th February for staff in-service training and closed to pupils and staff on Friday the 8th and Monday 11th February for the mid tem holiday.

Teddy Bears Picnic

This is our last week of school before the Easter holidays and we have again been working very hard.

We have continued to revise all our words and sounds everyday and we have been doing our sounds activities stations in the class room. We try to practise as often as possible to sound out and make new words.


We looked at the “I can” book and talked about what we are able to do. We wrote our own “I can” sentences sounding out all the words we needed to write.


In number this week we have continued to look at money. Role play in our shop has helped us to price the toys correctly and find the correct money and change needed to buy them. We have also had our money stations in the classroom too. We have played money games on the interactive white board, money dominoes, money men and sorted coins etc.


In our topic we finished the week with our Teddy Bears picnic. We all discussed our favourite bears and we brought in our own bears to school. We sang teddy bear songs and played team games, with our teddies cheering us on!


We then had a snack and finished our picnic with parachute games and an Easter egg hunt. It was a lovely afternoon and the perfect end to our term.



As it is Easter when we are on holiday, we made our Easter ‘chick’ card this week. We had to, very carefully, draw around our hands then cut them out. This was a tricky job. We also had to use our best handwriting to write our Easter message.


On the last day of term we walked to Fintry Parish Church for our Easter/end of term Service. Easter weekend is when we are off school so we celebrated Easter early in our local church. It was a lovely day and a very pleasant walk. The minister, Mr Brough, gave us a lovely sermon and our school choir did us proud as usual and sang some beautiful Easter songs.

The Easter bonnet competition was judged by Mrs McKillop and Mrs Sands. They had such a difficult job as there were so many splendid Easter bonnets.

           P1A entries                           P1B entries                            P1C entries


The Winners!!! Well done to all the boys and girls for their superb effort!


As we are on holiday there will be no P1 blog for 2 weeks. All of us in P1 and in fact the whole of Longhaugh Primary wish you all a happy and peaceful Easter.

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Friday 30th March – School will close for 2 weeks for the Easter holidays. We will re-open on Monday 16th April.

Sports Relief Mile

Welcome to Longhaugh Primary 1’s blog, we have had another very busy week here in P1.

We have been practising our sounds and words everyday, this is especially important  when we are sounding out new words in our reading books and library books. We have continued with our sound stations in our classrooms. This gives us the chance to try all the different activities and we’re getting more confident in sounding out, reading and writing cvc words and short sentences.


We have continued to look at money this week and we also had money stations around the classroom. We have been sorting coins, playing money games on the interactive white board, using the money washing line, using the money beebot mats and being the customer/shop assistant in our toy shop. We had to use the correct coins to buy toys if we were pretending to be the customer and give the correct change if we were pretending to be the shop keeper.


We have continued to watch small video clips of some famous bears. We have watched Yogi Bear, Pudsey and the Care Bears and we discussed the differences between them.

This week the artist we looked at was Picasso. We looked at several of his famous paintings and discussed his use of regular and irregular shapes. We noticed that in his portraits they didn’t really look like a normal face as he used different shapes and colours to represent features. We drew and coloured in our own portraits in the style of Picasso.


The Play Bus visited school this week. The Play Bus encourages us to use our imagination and create our own play and design dens, outside games etc. We loved it at the Play Bus and it was certainly more fun than sitting inside playing our XBox!!


Today is Sports Relief Day when thousands of people are running, jogging or walking a mile to raise funds for people around the world who are less fortunate than themselves. At Longhaugh we are all wearing something red and we are all collectively running or walking a mile. The boys and girls in P1a, P1b and P1c ran around the school playing fields twice for their part in the mile. All the funds raised will be going to Sports Relief.



Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

We are holding an Easter Bonnet Competition in school. Children can design and make their own bonnets using a variety of materials. Completed entries should be in school no later than Wednesday 28th March.

Friday 30th March – School will close for 2 weeks for the Easter holidays. We will re-open on Monday 16th April.

Ruby Bear

Hello there and welcome to P1’s blog!

We have continued to revise all our sounds and to practise putting the sounds together to make words. This can be quite tricky to begin with so we will be continuing to do this for several weeks so that we become really, really good at blending our sounds and hearing the words they make.


Our teachers introduced money to us this week. We made a mind map of all the things we knew about money already. We looked at coins. We looked at the size, shape and colour of the different coins. We pegged up all the different coins onto our washing line starting with the lowest value, a 1p coin,  going all the way up to a £2.oo coin! Miss Simpson also tipped all the coins from the tray onto the floor, mixed them all up in a right mess and we had to tidy them up and sort them into the correct trays! If this was not tricky enough we also had the large 5 minute timer and had to finish the job before the sand ran out in the timer! Phew! It was hard work but great fun!


We read the Ruby Bear story. It’s a story about a bear who is very special indeed. We talked about all the the things that made Ruby different but very special. We had a picture of Ruby and we labelled all the things that made her stand out from all the other bears; squint mouth, orange eyes, spotty tummy etc. We also painted our own Ruby with Mrs Lynch. We think, just like Ruby, our bears are very special.


As it is Mother’s Day on Sunday we made our own Mother’s Day cards. We all thought that our mummys worked very hard and deserved a treat so we made our cards with a cup on them and popped a tea bag in so they can relax with a nice cup of tea!


We are looking at the different things that keep us healthy. This week we made a healthy drink with Mrs Johnston. We made a fruit smoothie. We looked at all the ingredients needed to make this and next week we will be writing all the ingredients down. Our smoothies were delicious!


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Friday 23rd March – the school will be participating in ‘Sports Relief’ by collectively running a mile. We would appreciate it if every child brought in 10p  and wore something red on the day.

We are holding an Easter Bonnet Competition in school. Children can design and make their own bonnets using a variety of materials. Completed entries should be in school no later than Wednesday 28th March.

Longhaugh Garden Centre

We practice our sounds and words every day, this is very important to remind ourselves of all the sounds we have learned especially when we are continuing to work on sounding out and writing new and familiar words.

We are still learing all about money. This week we had purses with an amount on it and we had to add the correct coins together to match that amount. We were also rolling a dice and picking up the correct coin to match the dice. We have also been using our money washing line and the money Bee Bot mat.


We have been busy, busy, busy this week planting plants and making lots of things to sell in our garden centre! We all planted petunias and geraniums into the pots we had decorated with tissue paper last week.


We cut out large petals and the flower centre from paper and glued them together to make a flower.  Mrs Lynch laminated them and we put them on a stick to make windmills for the garden.


We made Hamma Bead designs and we then put magnets on the back to make fridge magnets.


We also drew round our hands onto white paper, cut them and folded them around pipe cleaners to make bunches of cala lilies.


We coloured in paper butterflies, folded then glued them together and put them on a lolly stick to make flying butterflies.


We also painted butterflies and cut out flowers to decorate the Assembly Hall all ready for our Garden Centre.



As our sports day is next week we decided to have a rehearsal as we’ve never been part of Longhaugh’s sports day before. We went into the Assembly Hall with the p2’s and the p3’s and practiced all our races. I think we all know what to do now and we are all looking forward to the real event!


At last Thursday came and our Garden Centre was open! We invited our families and Mr Munro and Mrs Gallacher also came and joined us. We were all given a job to do  – some of us were selling all the goods we made, some of us were helping Miss Bonnar at the raffle, some of us were helping Mrs Adams serve the tea, coffee, juice and biscuits in the cafe and some of us helped Miss Simpson and Mrs Lynch at the till, taking the money, giving change and wrapping all the goods. We had a very busy afternoon and we all worked extremely hard! It was great fun and all our hard work paid off as we made £120 towards our school fund!




Well done all the boys and girls in Longhaugh Primary P1!!

Notices for Parents 

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors  – There will be no open doors this week. It will resume next week at the usual time.

Homework – All words and sounds every night.

Infant sports afternoon is on Wednesday 1st June at 1.30pm (weather permitting)

Visiting the Garden Centres

Hello! Welcome back to Longhaugh Primary’s P1 Blog!

We go over our words and sounds every day and we are getting really good at making new words using our phonics games and the phonics bibs.


We have continued to work on subtraction this week with the butterfly bag and the butterfly washing line. We also talked again about the things we know about money and sorted out lots of coins and pegged and matched coins on the washing line.

Mrs Johnstone made up cups of fruit and we opened our fruit shop. We were all given a bag of coins and we had to write a price tag for our cup of fruit, then go to the till and pay for it using the correct coin. We also got to eat our fruit when we had paid for it! Yum!


As you know from the last few weeks, we have been planting seeds and making things to sell in our garden centre. This week we made seed packets and put seeds inside to sell. We coloured in the packets and drew the flowers on the front and labelled them so customers will know what they are buying.


It was exciting this week as we visited 2 garden centres, Turriffs in Broughty Ferry and Dobbies in Monifieth. We met Mr Turriff and we walked around the nurseries looking at all the plants. We also went into the room where the ladies make up the bouquets and floral displays.


At Dobbies we looked at all the things that they sell e.g., flowers, plants, garden ornaments, pots, compost, paving stones, fencing, fish, chickens, toys, cards, books etc. We went into the summer house and we all planted a pumpkin seed. We then finished our day by going to the cafe and having juice and a biscuit. We had a lovely time.



After visiting the garden centres we thought it was a good idea to go into our school garden and tidy it up a bit. We took turns at weeding and planting some potato tubors.


GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors  – There will be no open doors this week. It will resume next week at the usual time.

Homework – All words and sounds every night.

The Longhaugh Garden Centre will be open in the Assembly Hall on Thursday 26th May at 1.30pm