Tag Archives: ladybird box

Two Letters Arrive!

A very warm welcome back to Longhaugh Primary 1’s blog.

This week we learned another 2 sounds. They were ‘th’ and ‘qu’.


The action for ‘th’ is to stick your tongue out and pretend you are a cheeky clown and say “th,th,th.” The action for ‘qu’ is to open and shut your hands pretending they are a ducks beak  and say ‘qu,qu,qu.’


We have continued using the ladybird maths box and divided circles this week helping us with our addition to 10. We have also used our flip flop books. They are very clever books that help us work our the different number stories to 10 when we fold them in different ways.


In the Land of Me this week we received 2 special letters. The first one was from Yama San, the monkey. He invited us to look at shape, size and colour with him. We changed Buddy Boo, Willow and Eric into different objects. We played a game of pretend and play and talked about what we would look like if we changed our shape, or our size, or our colour. We drew our ideas in our thinking books. 


Our second letter was from Anthony the aardvark. He and his ants live in the desert and build lots of things using lots of different materials. He invited us to try and build things with him using all sorts of materials, e.g., a castle made from jelly! We discovered that some materials are no use for building. We found out that a pedalo made from paper would sink in the water. That’s no use. We drew our own pictures. Some of us drew things made from strong building materials like brick and wood and some of us drew pictures of buildings made from jelly or custard or something very silly.


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

Your child has received a copy of the scottish poem, “Pussie at the Fireside”. Please help your child to learn this poem.

Ladybird Maths Box

Hello! Welcome to Longhaugh Primary P1 blog.

We have learned another 2 sounds this week. Our new sounds are ‘y’ and ‘x’.


The action for ‘y’ is to lift your hand to your mouth as if you are pretending to eat yoghurt with a spoon and say ‘yyyyy’. The action for ‘x’ is to pretend you’re holding an x-ray gun and say ‘xxxxx’.


Our teachers introduced us to the ladybird maths box this week This box helps us with our addition. We had our blank ladybird sheets and we also had playdough. We made spots out of the playdough for our ladybirds and then we added both sides together to find our how many spots the ladybird had all together. We then wrote our sum on our white boards. We know how to do this as our teachers have been talking to us about the + sign and the = sign.

      Our Ladybird Maths Box                                                   

In the Land of Me this week we received another letter. This time it was from Granny Olive! Granny Olive is a turtle and she reads stories. We visited the Land of Me and we listened to Granny Olive telling us a funny adventure story about Buddy Boo, Willow and Eric. It was very exciting!

 Granny Olive!

We’re starting to get ready for all the activities that we have planned for Christmas. We are rehearsing for our Christmas show and we have been learning all the songs and all our lines. We have also been designing tickets and programmes for the show.

We started to make our Christmas craft ready to sell at our Christmas Fayre.


We have also been writing out price tickets to put on all the gifts ready to sell at our Christmas shop. We have been painting Santa and the elves with Mrs Lynch, ready to decorate our shop and printing paper to make gift wrap ready to wrap all the presents that the other boys and girls are going to buy from our shop! Phew!!!



We also have a P1 display to make for our Assembly Hall. This year each class or stage have to make a picture about a Christmas song. We have chosen ‘When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney!’


As you can see we have been very busy indeed and this will continue right up to the end of term!

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Come into class and let your child show you all the hard work they’ve been doing.

Christmas show – Please give your child their costume in a plastic bag with their name on it as soon as possible. Also please help your child practise and learn their lines for the show.

Tickets for the show will be on sale from Monday 28th November – Dates of show Tuesday 13th December at 9.45am and Wednesday 14th December at 1.45pm. Tickets cost £2.00, this includes tea/coffee and programme.

Christmas Fayre Saturday 3rd December10.00am12 noon.


Working Hard in P1


Hello and welcome again to P1’s Blog. We have had another very busy week. We have learned a further 2 sounds, ‘w’ and ‘y’. We practise saying the sounds, doing the actions and singing the songs every day. We now know 22 sounds!


 We also discovered the ladybird maths box this week and talked about addition. We have become number detectives and use the bingo, lotto and domino games inside the box. We used the ladybird number lines to discuss the number before, the number after and the number in between. Next week we are going to put playdough spots on the ladybirds to help us to add. We have been using the dice in room 6 to help us to count and add 2 numbers together. We try to remember to start with the biggest number first!


We’ve also been continuing to work hard on our patterns as these pictures clearly show. We can even write out our numbers 0-10 in a pattern!


We read a story this week about St. Andrew and learned that he is the patron saint of Scotland. We hope to celebrate St. Andrew’s day next week by having a party with P2 and P3. We made our very own Saltires and we’re planning to wave them at our party next week. We used blue card and we ripped up small pieces of white tissue paper and glued them to make the St. Andrew’s cross.


Our rehearsals for The Grumpy Sheep are going well and we have started to get all the actors and chorus upon the stage. Keep singing the songs and learning those lines!

Dates for your diary:

Gym – Every Monday and Friday – Please ensure children have gym kits in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday from 3.00pm to 3.15pm.

St Andrew’s Day PartyTuesday 30th November

Christmas FayreSaturday 4th December 10.00am – 12 noon. Please hand in donations for the cake and candy, priced and wrapped, on Friday 3rd December.