Tag Archives: Jack and the beanstalk

P1a Assembly

Welcome back to Longhaugh P1’s blog!

We have continued to revise all our sounds this week but have also moved on to blends such as; cl, fl, sm, gr, etc. We have been using them to sound out and write longer and more difficult words.


We have continued to work on subtraction this week, looking at the number before and less than. We used Jack’s magic beans to help us and we wrote our take away sums on our white boards.



We built up our own character in our topic work this week. We had to create our own giant. Firstly thinking about his feet and legs, we then drew them on a section of a  piece of paper. Then we had to think about his body and his arms and imagine what they would look like and draw them on another section of the paper. Lastly we had to create our character’s head and face. We had to use our imaginations and draw them on another section of the paper. When we had completed all our character’s body parts, we had made  a whole giant. Our final thing was to give our character a name.


This week was the turn of P1a to show family, friends and the whole shcool their assembly. They decided to show everyone all the work they’ve been doing on Jack and the Beanstalk and they even acted out parts of the story. They did a fabulous job and everyone enjoyed it very much indeed!



Well done P1a!

Finally this week we all went on our P1 trip to Active Kids in Stanley! We had a fantastic time. Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t as sunny as it has been over the last few weeks, but we didn’t let that stop us having fun.

We went on the trampolines, the go-carts, the fort, the jelly belly, the flying fox and all sorts of things.





We also went round with our teachers and had a look at all the animals that they have on the land. It was an excellent day out and we thoroughly enjoyed it!


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – There will be no open doors on Thursday 7th June 2012.

The school will be closed on Monday the 4th and Tuesday the 5th of June for Victoria Day and Jubilee Day.

Jack and the Beanstalk…….continued

We have done a lot of work on our Jack and the Beanstalk topic this week. Our teachers gave us giant copies of extracts from the story and we had to do a skimming activity. This meant we had to look over the story and find specific sounds and common words. This was a tricky job and we needed to concentrate very hard. We worked with a partner to find the sounds and common words and circled them with coloured pencils.


Something strange happened this week! A giant envelope was delivered to each of the classes. Inside the envelope was a giant footprint. We had to think where it had come from? Who it belonged to? Why was there only one? We knew by looking at it that it was much bigger than our feet so we decided that it must belong to the giant!

We all drew around our own foot and compared the size of our foot to that of the giant’s footprint. We decided that we would have to make another footprint and we discussed how we were going to measure the footprint so we could make our one the same size. We decided we would use cubes.


Now that we had the giant’s feet we thought it would be a splendid idea to make the giant himself! We worked in teams. Some of us made the body. Some of us made the legs. Some of us scrunched up newspaper and stuffed it into tights to make the arms, and some of us put cotton wool into latex gloves to make the hands.


Our teachers helped us to wrap large sheets around the bricks to cover up the legs and body.

We then all got a sheet of paper and drew the giant’s face. We had to decide whether our giant was a sad giant, or an angry giant, a happy giant or a worried giant. Once we had drawn and coloured in our faces, we displayed them and took a vote on which face was our favourite. We then recorded our votes on a bar graph and the one with the most votes was put on our giant.


We also did a bean experiment. We planted beans into soil and also put some beans into glass jars. We know that  our beans will need, light, water and warmth to grow. So we decided to experiment and not give some of the beans any water but put them in a sunny spot so they would have light. We gave the other beans water but put them in a dark cupboard so they didn’t get any light. We are wondering if they will grow…..we’ll keep you posted on the results.


Well we have certainly been very busy working away on all our Jack and the Beanstalk activities, I’m sure you will agree!

Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

The school will be closed on Monday 7th of May.

Jack and the Beanstalk

Hello and welcome to our blog!

We have continued to gather and record information this week. We again used a Carroll diagram, this time using two criteria colour and shape.


We also used a tick sheet this week. There were  coloured hoops on the classroom floor. We had to choose the hoop that was our favourite colour. We then recorded our findings altogether on a tick sheet then used the information from the tick sheet to create a bar graph!


We all watched a Jack and the Beanstalk film this week. It wasn’t the usual kind of animation we are used to seeing. In this film the characters were shadow puppets so we couldn’t see their faces or their clothes. We then read another version of the Jack and the Beanstalk story and we discussed what was the same and what wasn’t the same between the film and the book. After we had talked about them both we had to decide which one we like the best. We then recorded on a speech bubble the reason why we preferred the book or the film. All our speech bubbles were then put into a big book so we can all look and compare everyones answers.


We have discovered there are many versions of Jack and the Beanstalk and we read another version of the story. This time each of our classes had to pick a scene from the story. P1a picked a scene from inside the Giant’s castle. P1b picked the scene when Jack was climbing the beanstalk. P1c picked the scene when Jack was selling Daisy the cow for magic beans.

We were all given a sheet of paper and we had to draw our scene putting in as much detail as we could. We had to think who was in the scene, what were they doing, what was in the background. Lots to think about and we tried very hard and made a very good job!


Finally this week we again looked at 8 pictures from the Jack and the Beanstalk story. We had to cut them out and put them in the correct order. We then had to sound out the words and match them to the correct picture. Finally we had to colour in the pictures very carefully making sure we used the correct colours and the same colours in every picture so the story made sense to make our own comic strip.


Our Jack in the Beanstalk topic is part of the early years cluster project. A wiki has been created so we are able to share all our learning. Please follow the link below.


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.

The school will be closed to pupils on Thursday 3rd of May as the school is to be used as a polling station for the local election.

Back to School!

Welcome back to our blog after our 2 week Easter break. We are all very pleased to be back at Longhaugh Primary School and are looking forward to our last term.

We had a quick revision of all our sounds to refresh our memory as 2 weeks is quite a long time not to be at school!

We talked about all the things we had done in our holidays and we wrote a sentence about one thing that we enjoyed doing.


In our number work this week our teachers introduced us to Carroll diagrams. This is a simple way of sorting things into groups and looking at what is the same and not the same.


We have started a new topic this term and we had to predict what we thought it might be. We looked at pictures and some objects and had to ask ourselves some questions. Had we seen the objects before? Did we know what the objects  were?  What did we think we would be learning? We made a mind map to help us.


We decided that we were going to be learning about Jack and the Beanstalk and we looked at several different Jack and the Beanstalk story books. We had to choose which of the books was our favourite and we did this by standing in or just beside the hoop where our favourite book was placed. We then made  bar graphs displaying our favourite books.


We are decorating our outside area with a beanstalk and of course a beanstalk needs lots and lots of leaves. We sponge painted, tore up and stuck tissue paper and marbled our leaves. It is looking very nice and we are looking forward to starting the learning activites in this area. Even more exciting is that the beanstalk goes right into Mrs Lynch’s room and there are even more Jack and the Beanstalk learning activities in there! This is going to be a very good term!


Notices for parents:

Gym P1AWednesday & Friday, P1BThursday and Friday, P1CWednesday and Thursday. Please ensure your child has a full gym kit in school. Also please note that all jewellery must be removed for gym.

Open Doors – Every Thursday 3.00pm – 3.15pm. Please come in to school and see all the hard work your child has been doing.


Sports Day

Hello again and welcome back to Longhaugh Primary’s P1 Blog!

We’re still going over our words and sounds every day and continuing to practice making new and familiar words. This is important as we are writing short sentences all by ourselves. This week we read the story of Jack and the Beanstalk. We talked about all the things that Jack found at the top of the beanstalk. We had to use our imagination and write a sentence about what we would like to find.



We were working on our subtraction to 10 again this week, we used the number washing line, number rhymes and our butterfly subtraction bag.


We have been working with our P7 gaming partners on the playstation Eyepet game. This week we all went to the Assembly hall and made our own junk model Eyepet. There were lots of different and wonderful Eyepets constructed from all kinds of boxes, bottles, yoghurt tubs etc.


Here is a selection of the models made:


Thursday this week was our infant sports day. It was a little windy and some of our sacks blew away but we had lots of fun and we all enjoyed joining in all of the races. There was a running race, a three-legged race, a potato and spoon race, a sack race and a skipping race. Many congratulation to all of the winners!!

The sack race.


The three-legged race.


Notices for Parents 

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors  – There will be no open doors this week. It will resume next week at the usual time.

Homework – All words and sounds every night.