Tag Archives: beans experiment

Bean Experiment

This week we have been extremely busy even though we’ve only been at school for 3 days due to the May holiday and the election.

We have been working hard on our 3 letter words again this week, using matching games, board games, bee bot mats and our phonic vests.



Our teachers introduced subtraction to us this week. We discussed that subtraction means take away and we looked at the sign (-). The butterfly bag was used for the first time. We were given leaves and 5 butterflies and we had to take some butterflies away and practice, with our teacher, writing the sums on the whiteboards. We also used our currant buns masks and sang the song.


As part of our Plants topic, we intend to open a garden centre (details to follow) and make and grow things to sell, just like a real garden centre. This week we made clay tea light holders. We had to make sure they were big enough to hold a candle. Next week we are going to paint them with Mrs Lynch.

We also did a bean experiment. We talked about what beans need to grow and we decided that they need sunlight and water. We had 4 jars and filled the jars with paper and cotton wool. We split into groups and one group put their beans in a jar and watered it and put it on the window sill where it could get light. Another group put their beans into a jar and put it on the window sill but didn’t give it any water. The third group put their beans in a jar, watered it but put it into a dark cupboard away from the light. The fourth group put their beans into a jar and gave it no water and put it into the dark cupboard. We’re going to see how many of the beans grow. We drew the picture and wrote what we thought would happen in our Thinking Books. 



In Mrs Lynch’s room the role play area is a pet Shop and we have been learning how to care for animals. There is also to be a gaming pod and this week we have just found out that we are going to have an Eye Pet. The P7’s are going to help us and we all have a learning partner.


 We are very excited! We start next week!

GymMonday and Friday – Please ensure your child has full gym kit in school on these days.

Open Doors – Every Wednesday3.00pm3.15pm

Homework – words and sounds every night.

Infant Sports afternoon will be on 1st June – details to follow