Restoring Hogwarts

Ravenclaw and Slytherin windows
Gryffindor and Hufflepuff windows

As soon as we were sorted into our Hogwarts houses we began restoring Hogwarts. We have made stained glass windows of the house crests. When the sun shines the windows cast colourful images on the floor which we love to dance in.

Professor Snape's Potion Store
The Hogwarts Library

We have re-stocked the Hogwarts library and Professor Snape’s potion store. Some of the potion ingredients are revolting. We found Troll Toenails, Dragon’s Breath and Mermaid’s Vomit! It’s great fun inventing new potions with these ingredients.

Portraits of famous witches and wizards

The portraits on the walls of the castle have an annoying habit of moving to visit other witches and wizards in different portraits.The Fat Lady portrait guards the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. Everybody who passes her must say a password before the door will open.

The Fat Lady
Hogwarts House Banners

3 thoughts on “Restoring Hogwarts”

  1. That is one fantastic blog i wish i was in your class you guys are so lucky to have my aunty as your teacher my aunty is great.

  2. I think it is really fun being in hogwarts school of witch
    craft and wizardry.Itwas fantastic having Proffeccer Brady as our defence againstthe dark arts teacher.

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