Santa’s Nursery Visit

The boys and girls had a great time at our nursery parties. We played lots of games; musical bumps/statues, hokey cokey, pass the parcel, dress up as Santa game, dress up as Santa, reindeers, presents and an elf game, listened to Christmas stories and had a lovely snack. We also had a very exciting and special visitor………. SANTA!!!!!! The boys and girls had to sing Santa’s favourite songs for him, Jingle Bells and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer.


Transient Art

This week the children have been exploring “transient art” or sometimes called loose parts. ‘Loose Parts’ are materials that children are able to collect, move,  transport, attach, use on their own or combined with other open ended materials and can be made into many different objects. There is no right or wrong way of using them so children can be as creative as they want to be without feeling that they are not using them correctly. This means children have full control and can direct the play activity.The loose parts theory was first developed by Simon Nicholson, architect, who suggested that if children have access to a range of materials which have no defined purpose then they will access a wider range of play types and be more creative in the ways they play. “In any environment, both the degree of inventiveness and creativity, and the possibility of discovery, are directly proportional to the number and kind of variables in it”.   Nicholson. S. 1971






Risk Assessing

This week the boy and girls have been risk assessing our outdoor space. If the space is free from rubbish and safe it gets a tick but if its not it get a cross.




Outdoor Learning Numeracy

This week the boys and girls have been busy outside extending the knowledge and understanding of numbers.
There are some general benefits from taking learning outside within and across curriculum areas:

• connections are made experientially with the real world outside the classroom, helping

to develop skills, knowledge and understanding in a meaningful context

• outdoor environments and surroundings act as a rich stimulus for creative thinking and

learning. This affords opportunities for challenge, enquiry, critical thinking and reflection

• children and young people find that not everything outside matches the models

or the textbooks. This does not mean that what they have found is ‘wrong’. Instead,

it develops awareness of the complexities of the real world and can help to develop

critical thinking skills

• children and young people are able to understand the relevance of a subject taught

in school to everyday life

• children and young people can sometimes behave differently outdoors. Quiet pupils

may speak more, others become calmer and more focused when outside, especially

in a natural space

• the multi-sensory experience outdoors helps children and young people to retain

knowledge more effectively. There are opportunities for pupils to learn with their

whole bodies on a large scale

• learning in a less structured environment can provide a different learning experience

from that of the classroom

• being outdoors can be a more relaxing learning experience for many learners


finding something tiny                                  find me something bigger                                                   find something huge


can you find something to match?                                                                                                  


how far can you jump?

Parent contact Sessions

Next week there will be opportunities to view your child’s portfolios and chat to each groups key worker. Also parents can stay and play on that day too.

RED GROUP Monday-24/11/14

YELLOW GROUP Tuesday 25/11/14

ORANGE GROUP Wednesday 26/11/14

GREEN GROUP Thursday27/11/14

BLUE GROUP Friday 28/11/14

Parent contact sessions and stay and play time are between 8:30-10:00am and 2:30-4:30pm.

Also we would like to invited parents to come along to read stories, share stories with their child or other nursery children. We hope to run this activity the week beginning 1/12/14. Please let us know if this would be something you would like to do. If you require anymore information please ask any member of staff.

Managing Risk

Children and young people themselves recognise that you “can’t make everything safe” and that a is balance between risk and fun. Children recognise that and how to manage them is an essential part of growing up….. Through play children are able to learn about risks and use their own initiative. If children and young people are not allowed to explore and learn through playing and talking part in positive play activities, they will not learn how to judge risks and manage them for themselves. These skills learnt through play and other activities can act as a powerful form of prevention in other situations where children and young people are at risk.
Over the next few weeks the children will be looking at different areas in the nursery and assessing different risks. We will be discussing what is a risk, why there is a risk and how to keep safe. These risk assessment will be added to an on-going wall display which parent are welcome to view in Room D.

Please add any thoughts or comment below.

Camp fire

The nursery boys and girls  had the opportunity to experience a campfire today. We talked about what we would need for the fire; wood, sticks, something to light the fire and how to be safe; stay back from the fire, sit down, listen to Ms Connor, not touch the fire.

We made popcorn on the campfire and had hot chocolate to drink.


On Friday the boys and girls celebrated Halloween in nursery. They came dressed up in fantastic costumes and took part in a variety of Halloween activities; dooking for apples, hand print spiders, carving a pumpkin, sensory bowla, playdough, interest table, spooky cave, dressing up etc.



Snack- The children had va very exciting snack to choose from; brains, eyeballs, fingers, bones etc to eat and blood to drink!!!!


Bear Snores On Art Work

The nursery boys and girls have created some wonderful pieces of art inspired by the book we are looking at just now.



Maisie drew a mouse, Rachael drew a snail and Molly drew a bear at the writing table.




At the art area some of the children painted the animals from the story. 







Den building

Following on from our story Bear Snores On in which a bear sleeps in a cave through Winter while other animals sneek in his cave a have a party the nursery boys and girls have been very busy this week building dens inside and outside the nursery. The Orange Group helped build a den in the imaginative area. First we had to sort out all the bits by colour (each pole had a coloured dot inside) and put them into piles.


Then we discussed the plan of our den. We had to make sure the correct coloured pole went in the right place and that all the poles were connected together properly.


The we covered our den. On ce our den was complete we decided what we would put in it. Some of the suggestions were cushions, blankets, paper and pencils, books, cuddly toys etc.






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